How to Delete Your Instagram Account (Permanently & Temporarily)

If you no longer want to use Instagram, you have two options:
1️⃣ Temporarily deactivate your account (your data remains saved).
2️⃣ Permanently delete your account (this removes all your photos, followers, and data forever).

📌 Before Deleting Your Instagram Account

Back up your data if you want to keep your photos, videos, and messages.
✔ If you just need a break, consider deactivating your account instead of deleting it permanently.
✔ Once deleted, you CANNOT recover your account, username, or any content.

🔹 How to Permanently Delete Your Instagram Account

📌 On Mobile (App & Browser)
1️⃣ Open the Instagram app and log in.
2️⃣ Tap your profile icon in the bottom-right.
3️⃣ Tap the menu (☰) > “Settings and Privacy”.
4️⃣ Scroll down and tap “Accounts Center”.
5️⃣ Select “Personal Details” > “Account Ownership and Control”.
6️⃣ Tap “Deactivation or Deletion”.
7️⃣ Choose the Instagram account you want to delete.
8️⃣ Select “Delete Account” and tap “Continue”.
9️⃣ Follow the on-screen instructions and confirm deletion.

📌 On Desktop (Web Browser)
1️⃣ Go to the Instagram Delete Account page.
2️⃣ Log in if required.
3️⃣ Choose a reason for deleting your account.
4️⃣ Re-enter your password.
5️⃣ Click “Delete [your username]”.

📌 Your account will be permanently deleted after 30 days. During this time, you can log in and cancel the deletion if you change your mind.

🔹 How to Temporarily Deactivate Your Instagram Account

📌 On Mobile (App & Browser)
⚠️ Instagram does not allow deactivation from the app. You must use a browser.

1️⃣ Open a browser and go to
2️⃣ Log in to your account.
3️⃣ Click your profile picture > “Settings”.
4️⃣ Click “Edit Profile”.
5️⃣ Scroll down and click “Temporarily deactivate my account”.
6️⃣ Choose a reason and enter your password.
7️⃣ Click “Deactivate Account”.

📌 Your profile, posts, and followers will be hidden until you log in again.

🔐 FAQs: Deleting an Instagram Account

🔹 Can I recover my Instagram account after deleting it?
No. Once permanently deleted, your photos, videos, followers, and messages cannot be restored.

🔹 How long does Instagram take to delete my account?
It takes 30 days for permanent deletion. Your account remains hidden during this time.

🔹 Can I use the same username after deleting my account?
Your username may become available after deletion, but someone else could take it.

🔹 Can I delete my Instagram account without logging in?
No, you must log in to delete your account. If you forgot your password, reset it first.

🎯 Conclusion

If you want a break, deactivate your Instagram. If you want to permanently remove your account, follow the steps above carefully. Make sure to back up your data before deleting!

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